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Mirdain female
Mirdain female



Mirdain of Mirendil

The mirdain are sophisticated and cultured people, who tend to prefer diplomacy to warfare, and subtlety to brute force. Theirs is an empire of influence and trade, and of intelligence networks which extend like sinuous branches from their forest-clad homeland.

In combat, mirdain warriors move with innate grace and fluidity, seeking the perfect opening before striking with surgical precision. The mirdain are renowned tacticians, who may overcome near-insurmountable odds through brilliantly deployed maneuvers, ruses, and stratagems.

The mirdain are ancient allies of the humans of Mercia and the dwarves of Dvergheim, though their tendency to see themselves as natural leaders causes a fair amount of friction.

Culture and Religion

Mirdain society is dominated by a class of nobles called elflords, who are the only citizens eligible for election to the Grand Parliament, which is where all important decisions of law and policy are made. From among their number, the elflords elect a single Aran who serves as a largely symbolic head of state.

Though not a very religious people, the mirdain do see the Mirendil Forest as a living entity who must be respected and protected - even worshipped, according to some strains of thought. Veneration for the forest is a central aspect of mirdain culture, and the most important rituals in the (crowded) ceremonial calendar are tied to the changing of the Mirendil's seasons.

In a sense, the mirdain may also be said to worship a gallery of epic heroes, who are the subjects of countless songs, tales, and poems. Foremost among these paragons are Myrthai (male) and Lorathai (female) who are worshipped both as tragic heroes and as doomed, perfect lovers.

How the mirdain see the world

"The empires and kingdoms of other races may rise and fall, but the Forest Republic remains, eternal and unchanged. We must be true to our ancient laws and customs, which - like the trees themselves - have grown and flourished in Mirendil's soil."

- Naessa Rivermist, elflord member of the Grand Parliament.

"For too long, the mirdain have been content to subtly manipulate, and the current war-torn state of the world bears witness to that policy's failure. Since the lesser races evidently lack the intellect and temperament to properly govern themselves, we should unite them under the aegis of firm but enlightened mirdain rule."

- Sirthas Dragonshield, Arrowhead commander

"At little more than two centuries of age, the human kingdom of Mercia should be forgiven some of its naiveté and brashness. If the humans would but accept our leadership a little more readily, the mirdain might guide them past some of the traps and pitfalls of youth."

- Caradhan Silverhold, Serene Spire mage

"Guided by the teachings of Ymir, the dwarves have turned their race and nation into the vessels of a strange and idiosyncratic destiny. If those stout little worker drones would but listen to reason, their energies might be put to better use."

- Nailys Snowleaf, mirdain merchant

How others see the mirdain

"Nothing in this world gives me greater pleasure than a long chase followed by the felling of full-grown mirdain prey."

- Muldôn the Tireless, mahirim hunter

"Words, words, words… sometimes a friendly punch in the face is needed to make my mirdain clanmates discuss less and do more."

- Hardvald Darkthrone, dwarven clan leader

"Soon Melek will create a black hole to suck the sun out of the sky and end daylight forever. On that night, the rivers of Agon will become blood courses for the liquid proof of our hatred of the depraved and effeminate mirdain."

- Daelil Arkinshard, alfar priestess

"Uzkar say: kill first, discuss peaceful alternatives later. What I like to do is crush big mirdain heads and make them go quiet."

- Uzkar Finefist, orkish raider

"The mirdain are lost in a labyrinth of their own making, full of outdated laws, customs, and beliefs. This means that they tend to dither and discuss endlessly when swift, decisive action is called for. If the mirdain would but shake off some of their cultural ballast, they would make even better allies for Mercia and humans."

- Simeon Bailmarsh, human admiral

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